
  • Game Theory Strategy Philip Straffin
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 11. 22:56

    The literature I recommend for this course is the following:Straffin Philip, Game theory and strategyOsborne Martin, An introduction to game theoryIn addition I recommend course pages available on the web, for example:and many many others.1 LECTUREIntroductory remarks. The origin of game theory.

    1. Game Theory And Strategy Philip Straffin Pdf
    2. Game Theory And Strategy Philip D. Straffin

    Strategic form game. Games: prisoners’ dilemma, stag hunt, chicken game, matching pennies, rock-scissors-paper.

    Areas of application for game theory. Introduction to dominant strategies and Nash equilibrium.2 LECTUREWeakly and strictly dominant strategies, iterative elimination of strictly dominant strategies. Formalizing a situation as a game in strategic form.

    Cournot and Bertrand model of oligopoly. Guess the average game. Introduction to auctions. Second price auction - Nash equilibrium in weakly dominant strategies.3 LECTURESimple model of auctions - equilibrium in first and second price auctions.

    A model of spatial voting. Ladies with dirty faces. Ordinal and cardinal utility functions. Mixed strategies.

    Nash Equilibrium in mixed strategies. Drunken driver. Battle of sexes.

    Domination by mixed strategy.4 LECTUREMixed strategy equilibrium - continued, best response correspondences for mixed strategies - Sherlock Holmes and prof. Moriarty game. Reaction to a crime committed on the street. Marshall Kane vs Frank Miller and High Noon - introduction to dynamic games. Game between Biedronka and Lidl. Backward induction equilibrium.5 LECTUREBackward induction equilibrium - continued. Game between Billa, Tesco and Albert - Extensive form game and standard form game representations.

    Game theory and strategy philip straffin pdf

    Dr Strangelove and when commitment is credible. Pirates’ Treasure game. A definition of a tree. Kodak and Polaroid and the introduction to games with imperfect information. Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium. Bank run game.

    Ultimatum game. Centipede game.6 LECTUREExtensive games with imperfect information - Zeus and Athena case study - studying different information structures and their impact on equilibrium outcomes; Stackelberg duopoly; exercise - Cournot vs Stackelberg duopoly - calculating equilibrium payoffs and stategies.7 LECTURECutting cake - alternating offers bargaining model of Rubinstein (1982) - patience is the key to get more; stationary equilibrium with no delay. How to get cooperation in prisoner’s dilemma game - 3 ways: iterated game with uncertain end (or probabilistic next iteration), solution by metagame and experiments by Axelrod (tit-for-tat strategy). Presentation on strategic international relations of India by Aditya Kandoi, Ketan Verma and Shiv Socrates Kapoor.8 LECTUREShelling’s model of segregation and its implications for sociology, etc. Strategic moves - the importance of the order of moves, commitment to make certain move, threats, promises; strategic moves credibility; exercises and example - kidnapping for ransom.I have solutions to these problems.,9 MIDTERM10 LECTURESolving midterm problems.11 LECTUREA simple model of conflict according to Maynard Smith and G.R. Price: Hawk, Dove, Bully, Retaliator, Bourgeois.

    Evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS). Introduction to Bayesian games: definition, concept, elements. Bank run as a Bayesian game. Pooling and separating equilibria.12 LECTUREFirst price and second price auction as a Bayesian Game. Symmetric Independent Private Value auction model - a simple case of uniform distribution.

    Game Theory And Strategy Philip Straffin Pdf

    Revenue equivalence theorem via Monte Carlo simulation. Moody Daisy and Donald - Bayesian battle of sexes. When more information may harm. The idea of stable matching and Gale, Shapley algorithm for finding stable matching.13 LECTUREZero-sum games. Saddle point.

    Minimax and maximin - in pure and mixed strategies. Value of a zero-sum game. Finding minimax and maximin via a linear program and its dual counterpart. Using Excel Solver to find minimax and maximin.

    Game Theory And Strategy Philip D. Straffin

    Fishing on Jamaica - case study in zero-sum games. Mr Raw’s and Mrs Column’s game - security level. Nash 1950 arbitration scheme: axioms, theorem and its interpretation. Calculation of an arbitration solution. Case study: labor unions vs factory managements.14 LECTURECase study: labor unions vs factory management - finding Nash arbitration solution. Manipulations of status quo and preferences by the two sides of negatiations. An introduction to N-persons games.

    Which coalitions will form? How to divide winnings of a coalition? Transferable vs non-transferable utility models.

    Characteristic functions. Elections 1980 - Reagan vs Carter vs Anderson. Sophisticated vs sincere voting and its implications.15 LECTUREGypsies - their beliefs and culture analyzed by game theoretic tools - presentation given by Dominik Deja. Slides contain material on strategic voting and Shapley value.

    However during the second part of lecture, we were solving practice problems.- These are not meant to be comprehensive. These problems do not in particular cover all the topics we have covered during lectures. The final exam, on the other hand, may contain any topic discussed during lectures except for the content of the second part of lecture 14 (N-persons games) and lecture 15.- This is the old exam from the course Introduction to Game Theory for bachelor students. I translated it and you can practice with these exercises.In general, the final grade consists of:50% - final exam30% - midterm exam20% - article report.

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